Ace the NFSI test and get your dream job!

Optimize your NFSI practice with our NFSI test preparation platform.

NFSI Test Prep Platform


Our program does not simply provide practice questions but accurate NFSI preparation materials that resemble the real thing.

610 Practice Questions

Test preparation materials specifically designed for the National Firefighter Selection Invetory (NFSI)

Detailed Solutions

Fully explained solutions teach you why an answer is correct, increasing your overall performance.

Test Statistics

Detailed test statistics, progress reports, and performance charts help you track your progress.

Simulate the NFSI test

Run a full-length NFSI test to simulate real test conditions.

Only $39 USD

6 month – instant access
a subscription, you only pay once.

More about the Platform

CFAT test questions

NFSI Practice Questions

You have access to 50 practice tests with a total of 610 practice questions. All questions include a detailed solution, and all calculations are solved step-by-step.

The platform includes:

  • 150 Mechanical Reasoning questions
  • 60 Written Comprehension questions
  • 240 Written Expression questions
  • 33 Deductive Reasoning questions
  • 35 Inductive reasoning questions
  • 33 Number Facility questions
  • 25 problem sensitivity questions

Simulate the Real NFSI

Practice under NFSI conditions with a total of four (4) simulated tests.

Each of the simulated tests includes 40 test questions, with questions from all 8 NFSI categories.

These test questions have been carefully selected to simulate real test conditions as accurately as possible. Use the simulated tests to practice your time management techniques and to evaluate your performance level.

Simulated the CFAT test
Simulated the CFAT test

Simulate the Real NFSI

Practice under NFSI conditions with a total of two simulated tests.

Each of the simulated tests includes 40 test questions, with questions from all 8 NFSI categories.

These test questions have been carefully selected to simulate real test conditions as accurately as possible. Use the simulated tests to practice your time management techniques and to evaluate your performance level.

Charts and statistics

Charts and Statistics

View the Statistics page to see progress and to get an overview of your test statistics.

Throughout the program, you will also receive Progress Reports that will track your progress and highlight your strengths and weaknesses.

With each question’s explanation/solution, you can also see how previous users answered the question for comparison.

Study Tools

With the Mathematical Study Guide, you can study most of the basic mathematical theories required for the NFSI, such as fractions, decimals, percentages, interest, and algebra.

Practice unlimited mental calculations with the Arithmetic Trainer.

Practice 600+ words with the Vocabulary Trainer.

CFAT Study Guide
CFAT Study Guide

Study Tools

With the Mathematical Study Guide, you can study most of the basic mathematical theories required for the NFSI, such as fractions, decimals, percentages, interest, and algebra.

Practice unlimited mental calculations with the Arithmetic Trainer.

Practice 600+ words with the Vocabulary Trainer.

Compare your score

Compare Your Score

To gain a better understanding of your performance level, you can compare your score with those of previous test-takers.

Additionally, during test review, you have the option to view how other users answered specific test questions. This can provide valuable insight into areas where you may need to improve or focus your study efforts.

Progress Reports and Final Report

As you prepare for your test, you’ll receive progress reports to track your performance and identify areas where you excel and areas where you may need to focus more attention.

Upon completion of your preparation, you’ll receive a detailed final report that will offer suggestions on how to improve any remaining weak areas. This report will be a comprehensive summary of your performance throughout your preparation and will help you identify the specific areas that may require additional attention.

Final CFAT report
Final CFAT report

Progress Reports and Final Report

As you prepare for your test, you’ll receive progress reports to track your performance and identify areas where you excel and areas where you may need to focus more attention.

Upon completion of your preparation, you’ll receive a detailed final report that will offer suggestions on how to improve any remaining weak areas. This report will be a comprehensive summary of your performance throughout your preparation and will help you identify the specific areas that may require additional attention.

Charts and statistics

All your devices

Access the platform on all your devices whenever you want.

You can practice 24/7. As long as you have an internet connection, you have access to the platform.

NFSI Test Preparation

6 months of access to our NFSI prep platform.

  • 610 practice questions.
  • Detailed solutions to all questions.
  • Introduction to all question types.
  • Compatible with all your devices.
  • Run simulated NFSI tests.
  • Test statistics and progress reports.
  • Friendly customer service.
  • Access 24/7.

Only $39 USD

Not a subscription, you only pay once.

Buy now and get immediate access.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are not fully satisfied with our NFSI test preparation materials, or it turns out that you do not need them after all, receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Read more about our Money Back Guarantee.


Do you have any questions that you would like answered before you buy access to the platform? Contact us today, and we will respond as quickly as we can.
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